Tag: dividend growth

This Gimmicky Dividend Strategy Will Cost You Money (Do This Instead)
These days, everyone is looking for safety—and that’s got some folks pondering some pretty, er, unusual strategies that seem secure but are in fact anything but. One such strategy is known as dividend capture, which sounds like a way to bag a company’s quarterly cash dividend without taking the risk of owning the shares. I don’t like the name because […]

This Dividend Aristocrat Has Cratered By 45%… Now Is Time To Load Up
Looking for an undervalued, high-quality dividend growth stock? Want a 4%+ yield from a Dividend Aristocrat with nearly 50 straight years of dividend increases? Like the idea of buying a stock after it’s dropped by 45%? Then you have to check out today’s video. For more on a Dividend Aristocrat that looks attractive after cratering […]

Beat The Bear With 3 Tools: Dividends, Dividends And Dividends
It’s not easy to be upbeat in a bear market. This goes for people—and especially dividend stocks. (And hey, who has time for feelings? We are looking to get paid without losing our entire portfolios. We’ll share emotions when the bear is done.) For contrarians like you and me, it’s a time to be optimistic. We should be thinking […]

3 Best Stocks For The Housing Slowdown
The rate of home purchases has slowed dramatically. Since the start of the year, mortgage rates have doubled from around 3% to more than 6%. The affordability of homes has plummeted, as have sales. Yet individuals and families still have to live somewhere, so slowing home sales will benefit companies with residential rentals. Here are […]

There Are Some Serious DEALS In The Market Right Now!
Interested in buying high-quality dividend growth stocks on sale? Looking for market-beating yields, big growth, and attractive valuations? Want to know my top five stocks for June 2022? Then you have to check out today’s video. For more on my top five dividend growth stocks for June 2022, check out our latest video HERE. The post […]

This “Must-Own” Stock Is Raising Its Dividend!
Like getting more money? How about getting more money for basically doing nothing at all? Want to know about companies that keep giving their shareholders more money? Then you have to check out today’s video. For more on dividend growth stocks that keep paying out more money, check out our latest video HERE. This article originally […]

These 7%-12% Dividends Are In The Bargain Bin
Mid-cap dividend stocks are the best bargain on the board right now. I love them because lame income investors don’t consider them. They fixate on: Meanwhile many great under-the-radar mid-cap stocks sit between $2 billion and $10 billion in market capitalization. They sit in a “sweet spot” that accommodates dividend safety and growth. Which is why they […]

These 3 Dividends Defy Xi, Putin And Powell (Payouts Grow 30%+)
Think back just four months: first-level investors were babbling on about “transitory” inflation and clambering for crypto and profitless tech stocks. No more! The world has shifted. Russia’s war on Ukraine—a disaster on a human level first and foremost—has upended, well, everything. Crappy crypto and bankruptcy-bound techs are out—and secure payers that benefit from today’s trends are in. (I’ve […]

Down Over 20%! This Dividend Stock Is Cheap Right Now
Want exposure to one of the fastest-growing markets in the US? Like the idea of getting a market-beating yield and a double-digit dividend growth rate? Would you like a good deal on a great stock? Then you have to check out today’s video. For more on a dividend growth stock that looks cheap right now […]

A New Dividend Growth Star Is Born
Last week, AT&T (T) spun off Warner Media. Now, I’ve recommended AT&T in my The Dividend Hunter service since November 2020. The dividends since then have been great. But now that the spin-off is done, it’s time to evaluate the prospects of both companies. My subscribers are ready for some share price appreciation to counter the price decline that […]