Brett Owens

Brett Owens is the Chief Investment Strategist at Contrarian Outlook.

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5 “Inaugural Dividends” Paying Up To 10%

5 “Inaugural Dividends” Paying Up To 10%

| July 24, 2024

Which dividend is most likely to be hiked? Usually, the brand-new payout. Chief Financial Officers are a conservative bunch. A CFO will only agree to pay a dividend if they know they can: The hike part is important because rising dividends drive stock gains. I’m talking about hundreds or even thousands of percentage points in potential […]

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This “Stealth” Dividend Strategy Can Crush ETFs, Deliver 379%+ Payout Growth

This “Stealth” Dividend Strategy Can Crush ETFs, Deliver 379%+ Payout Growth

| July 17, 2024

Look, I know pretty well everyone loves ETFs—mainly for the cheap management fees. But here’s the thing: ETFs—especially dividend-growth ETFs—are almost always a raw deal. You’re better to go with carefully chosen individual stocks instead. Today I’m going to prove it, with two popular ETFs whose lousy performance is costing investors thousands in lost gains. So we’re going to […]

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Let’s Front Run These 5 Upcoming Dividend Hikes

Let’s Front Run These 5 Upcoming Dividend Hikes

| July 8, 2024

Five growth companies are about to hike their dividends. Let’s front run these payout moves. Many vanilla income investors miss these stocks because their current yields are modest. These armchair analysts are missing a critical point. These stock prices climb with each and every hike thanks to a phenomenon known as the “dividend magnet.” Consider tech giant Microsoft […]

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11 Simple Rules For 10%+ Dividends With Safe CEFs

11 Simple Rules For 10%+ Dividends With Safe CEFs

| July 1, 2024

If you don’t like these 8%, 9% and even 10%+ dividends, well, you’re not really an income investor. That’s right. As I write, select closed-end funds (CEFs) yield 10.6%. Ten. Point. Six. Per. Cent! We contrarians are locking in yields up to nearly 11%. Here’s how, broken down in an 11-step playbook for these 8%, […]

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Insiders Are Pouring Cash Into These 6%-12% Dividends

Insiders Are Pouring Cash Into These 6%-12% Dividends

| June 24, 2024

Who cares what financial “pundits” are yapping about? Show us the money. Show us what the insiders are scooping up! Insider buying, generally speaking, is more predictive than insider selling. The C-level types may sell stock to buy new boats or bribe their kids’ way into college. (Ha!) But when these guys and gals buy, it’s for one […]

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Why Does Wall Street Hate These 6%-13% Dividends?

Why Does Wall Street Hate These 6%-13% Dividends?

| May 20, 2024

What’s better than a big dividend? A hated high yield. Especially when the disgust comes from Wall Street analysts themselves. You know, the fanboys who follow the company for a living. Analysts are paid to be bullish. Let’s face it, nobody wants to hear from a bear. Here’s how unusual is it for analysts to be down on […]

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How To Buy Yields Up To 12% For Pennies On The Dollar

How To Buy Yields Up To 12% For Pennies On The Dollar

| April 17, 2024

As contrarians, we search for income stocks that vanilla investors hate. Today there are not many dividend deals left. No surprise, with the market levitating since last October. But! When we expand our search to CEFland, we do find a few closed-end funds (CEFs) left at the bottom of the bargain bin. Today we’ll discuss five that […]

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My Favorite Way To Invest Like Private Equity (And Earn 10%+ Dividends)

My Favorite Way To Invest Like Private Equity (And Earn 10%+ Dividends)

| March 13, 2024

This is how wealthy people invest—and collect yields up to 12.5%. Private equity (PE) is usually reserved for the rich. It’s the time-honored sport of milking cash from perfectly good businesses! Bleed ‘em dry and keep those dividends coming. The minimum buy-in for most PE funds? From $500,000 to a cool million bucks or more. This lucrative pastime […]

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Earn 3x To 6x The Market’s Dividends Without Breaking A Sweat

Earn 3x To 6x The Market’s Dividends Without Breaking A Sweat

| March 4, 2024

I think I’ve been asked every day this week from ordinary people if I’m trading NVIDIA (NVDA). Be careful out there, my fellow contrarian! A sharp pullback is possible. Something has to shake the froth out of this market. When that happens, investors will look for stocks that are high on income and low on volatility. Today we’ll […]

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2 Big Dividends (Yielding 10%+) Soaring On The AI Megatrend

2 Big Dividends (Yielding 10%+) Soaring On The AI Megatrend

| February 21, 2024

If you’re a dyed-in-the wool dividend investor (like me!), you’ve likely taken a look at the big gains folks are reaping on AI stocks … and resigned yourself to missing out on the whole thing. After all, most AI stocks, like Alphabet (GOOGL) and NVIDIA (NVDA), yield 0% (or close to it!). And we simply demand a dividend before we […]

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