Tag: CEFs

This Gimmicky Dividend Strategy Will Cost You Money (Do This Instead)
These days, everyone is looking for safety—and that’s got some folks pondering some pretty, er, unusual strategies that seem secure but are in fact anything but. One such strategy is known as dividend capture, which sounds like a way to bag a company’s quarterly cash dividend without taking the risk of owning the shares. I don’t like the name because […]

4 Dividends That Thrive In A Market Storm (And Pay 7.6%+)
If you’re like most investors I hear from these days, you’re suffering from a serious case of market vertigo. On the one hand, stocks have posted strong gains over the last couple of years: with an annualized average return of over 19% since the start of 2020, the main US indices are up over double […]

My Top CEF Investing Strategy Delivers 11% Payouts, 83% Gains
I’m about to reveal my very best strategy for pocketing 20%+ upside (and 7.8%+ dividends) from high-yielding closed-end funds (CEFs). It’s a “rinse and repeat” move that can help you grab the biggest gains from these potent income investments, lock in those wins, then sidestep the pullbacks. (I’ll also show you two ridiculously cheap CEFs throwing […]

“Crash-Proof” Your Portfolio With These Tax-Free 5% Dividends
There’s a group of 7%+ dividends out there that are perfect for today’s market. They’re far less volatile than “regular” stocks, their payouts are tax-free, and (for now) you can get them for a steal—as cheap as 93 cents on the dollar! That puts them high on the list of “refuges” from the speculative stocks the mainstream […]

No More “Lumpy” Retirement Checks With This Monthly Income Portfolio
If the past few weeks are any indication of what’s ahead, we’d better buckle up for a volatile 2022. Which means we should invest in the relative calm provided by monthly dividend stocks before the mainstream crowd starts looking this way. After all, what’s more soothing than thousands of dividend dollars paid every single month? Monthly dividends are […]

My “Rinse And Repeat” Plan For 8.3% Dividends, 117% Annualized Gains
Crypto? We contrarian income investors don’t need it. Gambling in Bitcoin, Ether or any “coins” with a dog on the front is pointless when we can dial in a safe dividend strategy for annualized returns up to 117%. This sneaky-smart plan is secure. It’s repeatable. And oh, by the way, it is flashing a B-U-Y signal […]

This Unloved Dividend Payer Soared 34% (It’s Just Getting Started)
Let’s work this market pullback to grab ourselves a sweet 21% “double discount” on our favorite stocks. We’ll also get a dividend from blue chip firms that don’t even pay one! The key is an off-the-radar closed-end fund (CEF) holding some of the biggest names on the market and trading at a totally undeserved 17% […]

2 “Workhorse” Monthly Dividend Payers Yielding Up To 6% (With Upside)
Let’s jump on the market’s September slide and grab ourselves a sweet “double discount” on 358 totally ignored income plays—and some sweet 6%+ dividends, too. And our new income stream will pay us monthly! Going Where Other Dividend Investors Don’t Our route to this big monthly payout does an end run around the misers of the S&P […]

3 Ways To Safeguard (And Grow) Your Dividends As Inflation Ticks Higher
Inflation worries are everywhere, so let’s dive into what’s behind them—and what we contrarian income-seekers should do right now. The three steps I’m about to show you could hand you a lot of fresh dividend income and price upside, too—even in this (still) overstretched market. First up—is inflation a real fear right now? Let’s look at the […]