Dividend Stocks To Buy?
How To Find A Good Dividend Stock In Uncertain Times
How do you find a good dividend stock when even good, solid companies get roughed up? Look at what’s happened recently… three valuable lessons for dividend investors. Each one is a mini-case study that helps you know how to find a good dividend stock. (And two of these lessons come from Dividend Aristocrats, the best […]
It’s Green Up North, And That Means Dividends!
So, I was poking around online and I found a very interesting company. They’re based up in Canada, and they pay a great little dividend. So of course, I did some research… what I uncovered was amazing. First, A note about Canada. It’s not often I look at stocks in Canada. Sometimes buying these stocks […]
A Toast To Copper, Cabernet, And An 11% Yield
If you’re an investor who likes to pick up a bargain when everyone else is running for the exits… If you’ve got a bit of the contrarian in you… And if you like the idea of collecting some handsome dividend income while you’re waiting for a stock’s value to soar… Look south. Way south, all […]
Five Global Stocks Where Dividend Investors Can Find Dependable Yields
Last week we discussed making one move with your portfolio to make it safer and more profitable. The idea was to expand into global dividend stocks. The global footprint gives you safety through diversification, and the profits come from having strong dividend payments. Now we also gave you a handful of Dividend ETF ideas… but […]
The Greatest Investments EVER?
Dividend stocks are a great investment… but could they be some of the greatest investments EVER? When it comes to dividend stocks, as an investor, consistency matters. You want a consistent track record of dividends not just being paid, but also dividend growth. When this dividend growth takes place quarter after quarter and year after […]
What Are The Best Dividend ETFs Right Now?
Ready to start collecting dividend checks? Then you need to look into an ETF (exchange traded fund) that focuses on a collection of dividend paying stocks. An ETF is a fund that trades on the stock market. It is more like a stock than a mutual fund because it trades real time and usually costs […]