Tag: high yield dividend stocks

7 High-Yield Monthly Dividend Stocks To Buy In 2021
Passive income is in fashion again, and these dividend stocks can provide a high monthly payout Speculation is running rampant in the market, and while the future isn’t certain, chances are the phenomenon will end. It really comes down to the scarcity argument. If everyone’s bidding up real estate and cryptocurrencies, for instance, very few […]

When High Dividend Stocks Melt Down
Years ago a friend of mine leased a gray Lincoln Town Car. That was back when a Lincoln was the size of a small studio apartment. A few months into the deal, he stopped making payments and I couldn’t figure out why. He had a good job. Money didn’t seem to be an issue. He […]

Dividend Yield For A Good Night’s Sleep
Don’t you love it when life is black and white? Well, it doesn’t get much blacker or whiter than when it comes to dividend yield. The number is the number… end of story. Well, almost the end of the story. That’s because I’d like to share a couple of important things to know about dividend […]

Build Your Own Dividend Stock Diversification Plan
Need to play it safe? A dividend stock diversification plan is nothing more than a simple way to protect your portfolio. The common sense balance gives you safety and performance. And it takes the edge off volatility. It softens the wild swings. The extremes of the market’s highs and lows are balanced with consistency. How […]

Dividend Payout Ratio Bombs Ready To Explode
Dividend payout ratio bombs ready to explode? What’s this all about? And what makes the dividend payout ratio so explosive? I’m about to show you three stocks that are likely to blow up. You might as well haul around a volatile mixture of NI-3. That’s the explosive amateur crackpots mix up using iodine and ammonia. […]

Dividend Investing Breakthroughs
Dividend investing breakthroughs aren’t usually the result of home runs from single stocks. Breakthrough dividend performance is a team effort. It’s putting together a lineup of different kinds of dividend stocks that work well together. Go with some of your dividend stocks that pay a yield below 3%, and some with higher yields in the […]

The Best High Dividend Stocks For 2015
Where do you find the best high dividend stocks for 2015? Let’s go for a look, and I’ll show you a couple of ways you can make some great finds on your own. But first, we need to decide how high we really want to go. We need to separate the kind of high dividend […]