Tag: dividend payers

Beat The Bear With 3 Tools: Dividends, Dividends And Dividends
It’s not easy to be upbeat in a bear market. This goes for people—and especially dividend stocks. (And hey, who has time for feelings? We are looking to get paid without losing our entire portfolios. We’ll share emotions when the bear is done.) For contrarians like you and me, it’s a time to be optimistic. We should be thinking […]

7 ETFs With Dividends To Fight Any Market Downturns
ETFs make it easy to add a dose of dividends to a portfolio If there’s one word to describe the current market environment, it would have to be uncertainty. Rising inflation pressures, geopolitical issues, and lower economic growth have all started to increase volatility and drive uncertainty. For investors, that’s a big deal. But there […]

22 Safe Dividend Stocks For 22% Returns In 2022
Let’s buy the dip on high-growth dividend payers as we head into 2022. Basic investors are fearful, which means it’s time for us contrarians to get greedy. Thanks to the year-end pullback in stocks, we have an opportunity to double our dividend money even faster than usual. Usually, these moonshot plays aren’t so cheap. But we have […]

3,700% Dividend Growth In Just 10 Years? You Betcha
“Son, I am old. But I am not dead!” There was a pause. “Now get me another beer…” His 40-year-old “boy” froze, then complied. I, meanwhile, busted out in laughter. Is there anything better than a dad that likes to party? I challenge you to think of something while we discuss the next best thing. […]

7 High-Yield Monthly Dividend Stocks To Buy In 2021
Passive income is in fashion again, and these dividend stocks can provide a high monthly payout Speculation is running rampant in the market, and while the future isn’t certain, chances are the phenomenon will end. It really comes down to the scarcity argument. If everyone’s bidding up real estate and cryptocurrencies, for instance, very few […]

This Safe 5-Stock Healthcare Portfolio Yields 5.5%
Healthcare—along with consumer staples (“buying stuff”) and utilities (“keeping the lights on”)—provide portfolio stability. Plus, they usually pay dividends, too! Of the three safety sectors, healthcare is a steady growth market, too. Consider these stats from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services: National health spending is projected to grow at an average annual rate of 5.4% […]

10 Ideal Dividend Stocks For Your Retirement
Dividend stocks remain an excellent way to grow your portfolio before and during retirement In October 2020, I created a dividend ladder for an article I was writing about dividend stocks. The idea was to select a stock yielding 1%, 2%, 3%, all the way to 7% or beyond. The thing is, you can’t always find good […]

These 7 Dividend ETFs Yield Up To 10%
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) sure are easy to buy. There’s an ETF for just about anything we can think of—stocks, bonds, commodities, growth, value, sectors, industries and, of course, high yield. Dividends are our beat here at Contrarian Outlook. And ETFs keep us busy, because for every income investing angle, there is a popular dividend fund that we […]

7 Great Dividend Stocks Outside the Energy Sector
Dividend stocks cross many industries and these worthwhile companies pay them Last year was a tale of two halves for dividend stocks. The novel coronavirus pandemic made the first half of 2020 a period of payout cuts and halts by S&P 500 Index names, but payouts came back mightily in the second half of the year, indicating that […]