Tag: REITs

3 Quality REITs To Buy With Secure Dividends
Income investors can find high dividend yields across the REIT universe. Income investors looking for high-yield stocks with growth potential should consider investing in real estate investment trusts, or REITs for short. The appeal of REITs is straightforward: REITs allow anyone the opportunity to profit from real estate properties, without actually having to own property. REITs […]

3 Best Stocks For The Housing Slowdown
The rate of home purchases has slowed dramatically. Since the start of the year, mortgage rates have doubled from around 3% to more than 6%. The affordability of homes has plummeted, as have sales. Yet individuals and families still have to live somewhere, so slowing home sales will benefit companies with residential rentals. Here are […]

7 ETFs With Dividends To Fight Any Market Downturns
ETFs make it easy to add a dose of dividends to a portfolio If there’s one word to describe the current market environment, it would have to be uncertainty. Rising inflation pressures, geopolitical issues, and lower economic growth have all started to increase volatility and drive uncertainty. For investors, that’s a big deal. But there […]

3 REITs With A Hidden “Double Shot” Of Upside (With 62%+ Dividend Growth)
There’s a “double shot” of upside waiting for us in real estate investment trusts (REITs) right now, and some of these companies—like the 3 we’ll discuss below—are so stuffed with cash they can’t hike payouts fast enough! REITs are among our favorite dividend plays because: REITs Set to Roll as Fundamentals Take Center Stage We’re […]

Dividend Yield Ratio: The Metric Every Investor Should Know
The stock market jargon often looks like it’s made up just to confuse new investors. Ratios are particularly scary, especially for those who aren’t fans of math. Yet, dividend yield ratio is one of the key terms that any investor should know. This financial metric is not that hard to calculate, and it can help […]

3 REITs Yielding Over 7% You Can Take To The Bank
Did you know that over 36% of US publicly traded REITs either cut or slashed their dividends during the pandemic? This combination of dividend cuts and demand from yield-hungry investors has led to bottom-of-the-barrel yields across the industry. The Vanguard Real Estate ETF (VNQ), which is a solid proxy for the REIT market, now pays only […]

7 High-Yield Monthly Dividend Stocks To Buy In 2021
Passive income is in fashion again, and these dividend stocks can provide a high monthly payout Speculation is running rampant in the market, and while the future isn’t certain, chances are the phenomenon will end. It really comes down to the scarcity argument. If everyone’s bidding up real estate and cryptocurrencies, for instance, very few […]