Tag: income

These Buckeyes Don’t Play College Football
You wake up in a cold sweat. It’s a nightmare that haunts you and hammers you with the raw hurt of hindsight. Hindsight is more than 20/20. For investors, it’s both painful and helpful. When we look back on an investment that didn’t work out, it’s way too easy to see what went wrong. What’s […]

Stocks That Pay Monthly Dividends
Do you ever open up your electric bill and find yourself in a state of shock? Not me… it’s pretty much the same every month. The only real curve I was thrown came a few months ago. That’s when a State of California windfall, the “California Climate Credit” drove my bill down to $12.66. Not […]

Should You Buy These 3 Dividend Stocks?
Last week I talked about the reasons behind this year’s stock market summer swoon. I explained why investors are selling stocks after several recent negative economic reports. They’re worried the data suggest the US economy is slipping back into recession. However, I also told you I think investors are overreacting to the news. The reason… […]