Tag: dividend investors

The Best Dividend Growth Stocks For Uncertain Times
You probably don’t remember what you were doing on May 6, 2010. But I’ll never forget that day. The Dow sank almost 1,000 points in 45 minutes. Then, an hour later, it came roaring back, up 750 points. Over the next 3 weeks, it lost another 525 points. So how about this 2015 market? How […]

Highest Yield Stocks You Might Overlook
When you hear about the highest yield stocks, you usually hear about utility stocks. Look… I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with utility stocks. The right utility stock is a great way to capture a high dividend. The wrong utility stock… A world of hurt. And I’m going to show you one where there’s already […]

What High Yield Dividend Investors Need To Do Right Now
Can you believe this wild ride? The Wall Street Journal described trading on Wednesday, October 15th as, “frenzied.” Treasury yields have slumped to their lowest level in 16 months. Crude oil futures have slid back to 2012 prices. Professional traders are skittish, and Main Street investors can’t seem to shake scary memories of 2008 and […]