Tag: Dividend investing

Secure Your Retirement With Dividend Growth Investing
Inexperienced investors often chase “hot” or “trending” stocks hoping that they’ll buy at the right time and the right price. Those investors also hope that the share price will rise. That’s a lot of hoping — and maybe praying too. But, living on a prayer just isn’t realistic, no matter how great the song is. […]

The Best Stock To Buy Right Now For Dividends
Santa Claus just showed up early for dividend stock investors. Big changes at GE $GE mean the dividend investing landscape has changed in a big way. What’s up? I’ve been disgusted with GE for years. And I’m hardly alone. When GE was trapped in the wreckage of a financial house of cards that tumbled down […]

Long Term Dividend Stocks To Buy Right Now
The best long-term dividend stocks are the kind of stocks you see in the portfolio of Fayez Sarofim. Who’s Fayez Sarofim? Most days you’ll find him smoking a cigar in his 29th floor office in downtown Houston. The El Greco painting on the wall… it’s an original. Fayez owns a chunk of the Texans, Houston’s […]