Tag: best stocks that pay dividends

High Yield Stocks Are Home Wreckers

High Yield Stocks Are Home Wreckers

| May 11, 2015

You know what really sinks a lot of dividend stock investors? High yield stocks… Somebody thinks he’s found the best dividend stock because there’s a high yield. The high yield looks good for a week, maybe even a month after the dividend investor buys it. Then there’s a dividend cut because the high yield gets […]

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The Best Dividend Stocks Now On Sale

The Best Dividend Stocks Now On Sale

| April 13, 2015 | 0 Comments

Looking for a deal? Want to check out the best dividend stocks on sale right now? I worked for a guy years ago who hammered home a terrific piece of advice. “Never pay retail.” Pretty good advice boiled down to just three words.  And it’s especially good advice for a smart dividend investor. It gets […]

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