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Dividend Aristocrats On Sale

Dividend Aristocrats On Sale

| July 6, 2015 | 0 Comments

After all these years, I’m still infatuated. And I still can’t figure out why back in 1963, only 21,513 Corvette Sting Rays came off the line. Devoted Corvette guys don’t always gush about the ’63 the way I figure they might, but that’s their call, and they’re probably thinking more about mechanics than styling. But […]

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Vanished:  $50 Billion

Vanished: $50 Billion

| November 24, 2014 | 0 Comments

Cheap Oil & Gas Dividend Stocks Gone. $50 billion has vanished. It’s been wiped off the books of oil companies because crude oil prices have taken a 29% plunge over the past five months. And you guessed it. That’s $50 billion less for oil companies to tap into to pay dividends. What does this mean? […]

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